Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Life’s a Beach… well, it should be…

It's a bit trite... "Life's a Beach" the slogan is all around, on t-shirts, signs, but there is something to it... it's sticky. Many of us hear the call and the statistics bear it out. Despite hurricanes and global warming we appear to be still moving like lemmings, closer to the beach. Sometimes we move back but more move with the tide than against it. At what point in a life do you decide that a beach is where you need to be? Growing up in Ft. Lauderdale was quite a trip… but after 20 years it was time to move and I’ve not regretted a minute of my life in the Midwest. I like the change in seasons, the mild summers, the trees, small town midwest values, Big Ten football and I don’t really miss the flat terrain and the midday heat (except in the dead of winter). Never-the-less the Florida coast is still a draw… it pulls me… the white sand, the stucco houses, the palms, the live oaks, Spanish moss, walks in the early evening and even the fire ants. It’s still a place that feels like home… and with wireless and high speed internet access… well, it seems better than ever. This post, well, it’s just for fun. Winter is on it's way.


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